Osumex Heavy Metals Test Mercury Kit: Video Guide On How To Do The Test

How to maintain

Free Radicals

Essential to know and control
for a healthy body

Lives in an Alkaline State

What it is and how to overcome

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What People Say

The face mask was great. The water here is very drying so I noticed that my face remained well-moistened and soft upon touch even 3 days after using the face mask. My face felt so clean and nourished even within the week after using the mask.
I also enjoyed the biomass samples – my bowel movements were quite whole and well-formed, and I usually have problems with bowel movements (not enough qi to move).
In terms of the mushroom blend, I have yet to take it consistently enough to be able to see a difference. I will try to have that review for you later.
Also – I got a review from a client of the fermented food biomass…it helped to clear up their skin of impurities and increased healthy daily bowel movement 🙂

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